Melvita Gentle Care Shampoo (Dry Hair) 500ml/16.9oz
- Um shampoo suave, orgânico e sem sulfato A textura cremosa ajuda o cabelo levemente a limpar Formulado com ingredientes naturais como flor de laranjeira e mel para propriedades nutritivas Infundido com um delicioso perfume de mel para aumentar o humor Folhas cabelos fortes e brilhantes Ideal para cabelos normais para secos Dermatologicamente testado
Uma água orgânica e orgânica que aperfeiçoa a água floral Obtido por destilação a vapor de pelargonium graveolens bourbon, que vem de uma cultura rara na França, em Provence Naturalmente rico em ingredientes ativos para refinar os poros e textura lisa da pele Infundido com a fragrância naturalmente delicada do bourbon geranium Revela uma pele mais bonita e perfeita Testado sob supervisão dermatológica
Uma loção facial fresca e ligeiramente texturizada 99% do total de ingredientes da origem natural 21% do total de ingredientes da agricultura orgânica Enriquecido com extrato de folha argan para criar um efeito protetor Contém uma combinação de ácidos hialurônicos derivados naturalmente para fortalecer o efeito de queda e aperto na pele Deixa a pele suave, radiante e de aparência jovem
Um creme natural de barbear e limpeza orgânico para homens Formulado com água de limão para uma textura fresca para eliminar impurezas Enriquecido com óleo de baobá derivado de Baobab Tree, a "Árvore da Vida" na África, conhecida por sua força e longevidade Protege a pele contra a irritação do barbear e reduz sentimentos de desconforto Deixa a pele se sentindo limpa e clara
Uma esfoliação natural de chuveiro sem sulfato Textura cremosa e aveludada faz com que a pele se sinta confortável Ajuda a remover delicadamente a pele morta e as impurezas enquanto limpa a pele Formulado com os tesouros da natureza: Meadowsweet & Acacia Honey Infundido com uma delicada fragrância floral para aumentar o humor A pele parece mais suave e mais suave Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, até mesmo a pele seca
Um gel de chuveiro refrescante sem sulfato Perfume deliciosamente picante e textura fresca envolvendo o corpo em uma espuma fina e leve A fórmula sem sulfato e sem sabão limpa suavemente a pele Contém uma mistura única de tesouros da natureza amada pelas abelhas: Flores de limão e mel Enriquecido com geléia real para proteger o filme hidrolipídico da Skin Deixa a pele do corpo macia e nutrida
Um creme de chuveiro natural, orgânico e suave Perfume delicioso e amêndoa e textura cremosa envolvem o corpo em um bem rico e rico A fórmula sem sulfato e sem sabão limpa suavemente a pele Enriquecido com geléia real para proteger o filme hidrolipídico da pele 99% do total de ingredientes são de origem natural 10% do total de ingredientes são da agricultura orgânica Deixa a pele do corpo macia e revigorada
Um creme de chuveiro natural de 99% e com cheiro delicado Produz espuma cremosa e leve para limpar suavemente a pele Enriquecido com geléia real para manter o filme hidrolipídico da pele e impedi -lo de secar Combina dois tesouros naturais: pétalas de rosa e mel acácia Lindamente envolve o corpo em um delicado perfume floral Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele Sem sabão e livre de sulfato
Um óleo de beleza 100% natural para o rosto Formulado com óleo de lírio para capacidade natural de renovar células Altamente concentrado com ácidos graxos essenciais para proteger a pele Aumenta a oxigenação e microcirculação teciduais enquanto melhoram a aparência de pontos de pigmento Revela uma tez mais equilibrada e luminosa Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele
Um óleo 100% natural para o rosto e corpo Apresenta uma textura leve e não grave Obtido pelo primeiro frio pressionando as sementes do arbusto jojoba Rico em ômega 9 para proteger a desidratação da pele e combate, limitando a perda de água Fornece uma afinidade notável com a pele e o cabelo Também pode ser usado para regular o sebo e revitalizar cabelos secos e quebradiços Folhas cabelos mais macios, inseguros e brilho Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele
Um óleo orgânico e versátil 100% natural, certificado Apresenta uma textura grossa e cheia de nutrientes Obtido pelo primeiro frio pressionando as sementes da planta de óleo de mamona que cresce em regiões tropicais e subtropicais Oferece propriedades protetoras, regenerativas e antioxidantes Ajuda a proteger e fortalecer as unhas e os cílios Também pode ser usado como máscara ou em raízes para reparar e fortalecer cabelos cansados e danificados
Um creme dental de 99% natural e orgânico Formulado com chá verde para fornecer ação de limpeza Misturado com óleo essencial de hortelã -pimenta para um efeito refrescante Garante uma boa higiene bucal Livre de fluoreto, corantes e sabor artificial
Um sabão de limpeza orgânico ultra-rico para pele seca e sensível 99,95% do total de ingredientes são de origem natural Usa uma base de plantas orgânicas enriquecida com argan orgânico, coco e óleos de karos Ajuda suavemente a limpar sem deixar a pele se sentindo apertada Infundido com um delicado perfume de argan para aumentar o clima Folhas pele macia e nutrida Pode ser usado diariamente no corpo e nas mãos
Um shampoo natural, sem sulfato e anti-casca Contém óleos essenciais de limão e hortelã-pimenta para limpar e re-equilibrar cabelos Acalma irritação e coceira enquanto reduz a caspa efetiva Folhas cabelos e couro cabeludo purificados e revigorados Perfeito para todos os tipos de cabelo
Um shampoo natural, sem silicone e ultra-gentil para toda a família A fórmula leve respeita os cabelos mais frágeis e permite um uso frequente Contém Lime e Flor Honey para propriedades nutritivas Folhas cabelos macios, brilhantes e limpos Perfeito para todos os tipos de cabelo
Um shampoo suave, orgânico e sem sulfato A textura cremosa ajuda o cabelo levemente a limpar Formulado com ingredientes naturais como flor de laranjeira e mel para propriedades nutritivas Infundido com um delicioso perfume de mel para aumentar o humor Folhas cabelos fortes e brilhantes Ideal para cabelos normais para secos Dermatologicamente testado
Um condicionador suave, vegano e livre de sulfato Textura rica e cremosa fornece aplicação agradável Enriquecido com óleo de cártamo e manteiga de karité para amolecer e nutrir cabelos O cabelo parece destrancado e mais gerenciável Perfeito para todos os tipos de cabelo
Um condicionador orgânico, natural e suave Enriquecido com óleo índigo para nutrir e proteger o cabelo Destranta os cabelos após a lavagem e acalma o couro cabeludo que é danificado pelo tingimento Folhas cabelos macios, brilhantes, saltitantes e fortes Adequado para todos os tipos de cabelo, especialmente couro cabeludo e cabelos coloridos Livre de sulfato e silicone
Um condicionador natural, liso e cremoso para cabelos secos e danificados Formulado com três óleos florais orgânicos: Rose Hip, Calendula e Camellia para nutrir intensamente cabelos Contém extrato de aveia preta, arginina e extrato de colza para hidratar e melhorar a flexibilidade Restaura o corpo e o brilho ao cabelo O cabelo parece lindamente sedoso e fica fácil de estilizar
Uma pasta de dentes de hortelã sem fluoreto Formulado com 99% de ingredientes naturais e 25% de ingredientes orgânicos Enriquecido com sal guérande, bicarbonato de sódio e carbonato de cálcio para purificar e esbranquiçar dentes Mantém boa higiene bucal e respiração fresca com um sabor de menta Adequado para toda a família
Uma pasta de dente sem fluoreto e calmante Formulado com 99% de ingredientes naturais e 48% de ingredientes orgânicos Contém óleos essenciais de cravo e alecrim para limpeza e propriedades suaves Mantém uma boa higiene bucal enquanto cuidava de gengivas sensíveis Adequado para toda a família
Um sabonete com delicadamente cheiro para uso diário Contém óleo de palma sustentável certificado para limpar suavemente a pele sem secá -lo Formulado com 99% de ingredientes naturais e 84% de ingredientes orgânicos Infundido com um perfume deliciosamente picante para elevar o humor Deixa a pele que está macia e revigorada Apropriado para todos os tipos de pele
Um sabonete com delicadamente cheiro para uso diário Ajuda suavemente a limpar as mãos e o corpo sem secar a pele Formulado com 99% de ingredientes naturais e 84% de ingredientes orgânicos Enriquecido com Honey & Propolis Famous for Nourishing & Protective Properties Deixa a pele macia e delicadamente fragrada Apropriado para todos os tipos de pele
Um sabão de limpeza orgânico ultra-rico para pele seca e sensível 99,95% do total de ingredientes são de origem natural Usa uma base de plantas orgânicas enriquecida com argan orgânico, coco e óleos de karos Ajuda suavemente a limpar sem deixar a pele se sentindo apertada Infundido com um delicado perfume de argan para aumentar o clima Folhas pele macia e nutrida Pode ser usado diariamente no corpo e nas mãos
Um toner facial orgânico, 99% natural e calmante Extraído pela destilação de folhas orgânicas de Hamamelis Virginiana e naturalmente ricas em princípios ativos Ajuda a remover traços finais de maquiagem e tons de pele antes de hidratar Acalma a pele, reduz a vermelhidão e restaura o brilho Infundido com um delicado perfume 100% natural (sem perfume) Deixa a pele calma, macia e purificada Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele
Um fluido facial de elevação de textura leve e de textura leve Formulado com 99% de ingredientes naturais e 30% de ingredientes orgânicos Combina o poder revitalizante do óleo de argan orgânico com as propriedades de escultura do óleo de argan microbiótico Enriquecido com polpa Argan para melhorar a firmeza da pele e fornecer ação direcionada em contornos faciais Reduz a aparência de rugas e linhas finas Revela uma tez mais suave e mais levantada Ideal para a pele mista normais a oleosa
A vegan cleansing oil that deeply removes impurities & makeup Effectively cleanses without clogging pores, maintaining the skin’s natural moisture balance Emulsifies upon contact with water, gently removing makeup residue without leaving an oily residue Developed with natural ingredients & 42% organic content Contains organic rosehip oil, jojoba oil & castor oil to nourish & protect the skin, while locking in hydration Infused with Damascus rose essential oil to hydrate & soothe, enriched with wild rose extract & 5 organic plant oils to protect the skin’s lipid barrier Keeps the skin soft, supple & nourished without tightness Suitable for all skin types, especially dry & sensitive skin Made in France
A luxurious night balm designed to rejuvenate & nourish your skin overnight Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 20% organic content, it deeply hydrates & revitalizes Infused with high concentrations of argan oil, rich in fatty acids, Omega 6 & Omega 9, to nourish & protect Contains argan leaf extract to maintain skin moisture & collagen, reducing wrinkles & fine lines Blended with shea butter for enhanced nourishment & jojoba wax for a smooth, easy-to-apply texture Ideal for all skin types Made in France
A balm deodorant that provides 24-hour protection & freshness Features a smooth, dry balm texture that glides on easily, keeping underarms fresh & comfortable Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 20% organic content, ensuring gentle care Contains coconut oil to soften & nourish the skin, enhancing smoothness Includes plant-based powders to absorb moisture & neutralize odors effectively Free from aluminum salts & alcohol, making it suitable for sensitive skin Ideal for all skin types Made in France
A roll-on deodorant that provides 24-hour protection & freshness Features a smooth, dry roll-on texture that glides on easily, keeping underarms fresh & comfortable Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 21% organic content, ensuring gentle care Contains aloe vera to soothe & hydrate the skin, enhancing comfort Includes plant-based powders to absorb moisture & neutralize odors effectively Free from aluminum salts, baking soda & alcohol, making it suitable for sensitive skin Ideal for all skin types Made in France
A gentle roll-on deodorant designed for sensitive skin, providing all-day freshness Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 21% organic content, it soothes & protects Infused with aloe vera for its moisturizing & calming properties, ensuring comfort Contains organic coconut oil to nourish & maintain skin softness, preventing dryness Blended with plant-based powders to absorb excess moisture & keep underarms dry Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Made in France
A luxurious lifting cream formulated to firm & rejuvenate the skin Infused with a 99% natural origin formula, using unique technology for a smooth application Features a rich yet light texture that melts beautifully into the skin, providing a smooth & clear impression Enriched with microbiotic argan oil that penetrates easily to stimulate collagen synthesis & reduce wrinkles Contains argan pulp extract, essential fatty acids & vitamin E to enhance skin firmness & elasticity Ideal for mature skin, providing a youthful & radiant appearance with daily use, reducing wrinkles & fine lines Suitable for normal to dry skin types Free from petrochemical surfactants & silicones Made in France
A smoothing & radiance serum that enhances skin’s texture & glow Features a lightweight, fast-absorbing texture that leaves skin smooth & luminous Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 28% organic content, ensuring gentle care Contains fermented argan oil to reinforce the skin barrier & protect collagen, preserving youthfulness Includes raspberry AHA to boost skin renewal & radiance, enhancing brightness Ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin Free from parabens, silicones & synthetic fragrances Made in France
A corrective eye care cream that targets signs of aging & fatigue around the eyes Features a smooth, lightweight texture that fuses with the skin, enhancing comfort & absorption Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 32% organic content, ensuring gentle care Contains fermented argan oil to reinforce the skin barrier & protect collagen, preserving youthfulness Includes cornflower floral water to reduce puffiness & dark circles, brightening the eye area Ideal for all skin types including sensitive skin Free from parabens, silicones & synthetic fragrances Made in France
A luxurious body balm that firms & nourishes skin Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & 35% organic content, it deeply hydrates & revitalizes Blended with shea butter for intense nourishment & a rich, non-greasy texture Infused with pink pepper extract, known for its firming properties, to smooth & tighten skin Contains pink coralline extract to enhance skin elasticity & reduce the appearance of cellulite Suitable for all skin types Made in France
A soothing foot cream that relieves & refreshes tired, hot feet Formulated with 98% natural origin ingredients & 33% organic content, it nourishes & protects Infused with nigella seed oil, rich in antioxidants, to soothe & repair dry skin Contains macadamia oil for deep hydration & easy absorption, leaving feet soft & supple Blended with essential oils of mint & rosemary for a refreshing & sanitizing effect Suitable for all skin types Made in France
A refreshing eye gel that de-puffs & revitalizes the delicate eye area The fresh, water-based texture provides instant hydration, reducing dryness & wrinkles Formulated with wild rose extract & anastatica hierochuntica extract as the base, it hydrates & plumps the eye contour area, reducing fine lines Infused with cornflower water & red algae extract, it promotes microcirculation in the eye area, helping to reduce puffiness & dark circles Suitable for all skin types, ensuring gentle care for sensitive skin Organic & free of any added fragrances Made in France
A refreshing roll-on eye contour treatment that soothes & revitalizes tired eyes The oil-free formula has a soothing toner-like texture, paired with a metal applicator tip for a massage effect to prep the eye area for further care Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients & organic content, it hydrates & refreshes Infused with cornflower floral water to soothe & decongest the delicate eye area Contains chlorella vulgaris extract to reduce puffiness & dark circles, promoting collagen production Blended with red algae extract to improve skin elasticity & reduce fine lines Suitable for all skin types Made in France
A lightweight BB cream that hydrates & perfects the complexion for a natural finish Ensures a second skin effect without a sticky feel, allowing skin to breathe Evens skin tone, blurs imperfections & hydrates the skin with its 99% natural origin formula Enriched with wild rose extracts & rose floral water to soothe & refresh skin Contains natural pigments to provide natural coverage & even out the complexion Offers a 6-in-1 action: reduces imperfections, evens out complexion, hydrates, refreshes, illuminates & provides long-lasting coverage Suitable for all skin types Made with a clean, silicone-free formula Made in France
A lightweight BB cream that hydrates & perfects the complexion for a natural finish Ensures a second skin effect without a sticky feel, allowing skin to breathe Evens skin tone, blurs imperfections & hydrates the skin with its 99% natural origin formula Enriched with wild rose extracts & rose floral water to soothe & refresh skin Contains natural pigments to provide natural coverage & even out the complexion Offers a 6-in-1 action: reduces imperfections, evens out complexion, hydrates, refreshes, illuminates & provides long-lasting coverage Suitable for all skin types Made with a clean, silicone-free formula Made in France
A purifying floral water designed to refine & balance the skin Developed with a gentle, water-like texture that absorbs quickly, providing an immediate refreshing & toning effect Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients & enriched with Pelargonium Graveolens to tighten pores & smooth skin texture Infused with natural astringent properties to regulate sebum production & enhance skin clarity Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially combination & oily skin Made in France
A purifying floral water designed to balance & refresh the skin Developed with a gentle, water-like texture that absorbs quickly, providing an immediate calming & toning effect Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Lavandula Angustifolia to purify, soothe & regulate sebum production Infused with natural astringent properties to tighten pores & enhance skin clarity, leaving it smooth & refreshed Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced & healthy skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially combination & oily skin1 Made in France
A revitalizing floral water designed to hydrate & refresh the skin Developed with a gentle, water-like texture that absorbs quickly, providing an immediate cooling & toning effect Formulated with natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Rosa Damascena to hydrate, soothe & revitalize the skin Infused with natural astringent properties to tighten pores & enhance skin clarity, leaving it smooth & radiant Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced & healthy skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially delicate & mature skin Made in France
A revitalizing floral water designed to hydrate & refresh the skin Developed with a gentle, water-like texture that absorbs quickly, providing an immediate cooling & toning effect Formulated with natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Rosa Damascena to hydrate, soothe & revitalize the skin Infused with natural astringent properties to tighten pores & enhance skin clarity, leaving it smooth & radiant Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced & healthy skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially delicate & mature skin Made in France
A soothing balm designed to calm & comfort sensitive skin Developed with a rich, delicate texture Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients Combines a 30% oil-based formula with nourishing Orange Blossom Water to provide deep hydration & continuous comfort Enriched with Tephrosia Purpurea Seed Extract to relax & soothe the skin Includes Olive-derived Squalane & Shea Butter, providing relief from discomfort caused by sensitivity or stress Infused with nourishing agents to balance the mind & body, while strengthening the skin’s defense barrier & reducing redness Acts like gentle dressing on the skin, reducing redness & tightness & protecting against external aggressors Features a minimalist vegan formula free from fragrances, colorants & alcohol Suitable for all skin types, especially very dry & sensitive skin Made in France
A hydrating body cream designed to soothe & perfect dry skin Developed with a soft, velvety cream texture that glides on smoothly, ensuring deep absorption & a non-greasy finish Formulated with natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Chestnut Leaf Extract & Aloe to provide intense hydration & protection Infused with hydrating properties to relieve irritation & soften cracked skin, enhancing smoothness & comfort Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially dry & irritated skin Made in France
A hydrating cream with a plumping effect for a refreshed & youthful complexion Offers a rich, creamy texture that absorbs quickly & leaves no residue Formulated with 99% natural origin ingredients to deeply hydrate & rejuvenate the skin Infused with rose flower water & plant-based hyaluronic acid to provide intense moisture & elasticity Contains resurrection plant extract to strengthen & protect the skin barrier Boosts skin’s natural radiance & reduces the appearance of fine lines with rosehip extract Suitable for normal to dry, dehydrated, or tired skin Made in France
A hydrating fluid designed to plump & rejuvenate the skin Developed with a lightweight, gel-like texture that absorbs quickly, providing an immediate plumping & moisturizing effect Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients & enriched with Rosa Damascena to hydrate, soothe & revitalize the skin Infused with Resurrection Plant Extract to strengthen & protect the skin, enhancing its resilience & hydration Combines natural Hyaluronic Acid to deeply hydrate & smooth the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced & healthy skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially normal to combination skin Made in France
A revitalizing night jelly designed to restore & hydrate the skin overnight Developed with a jelly texture that absorbs quickly, ensuring deep hydration & a refreshing feel Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Organic Wild Rose to reboot the skin’s self-moisturizing cycle & provide long-lasting nourishment Infused with Rock Rose to relieve skin tension & soothe irritation, promoting a calm & relaxed complexion Combines Damask Rose Floral Water to balance sebum & rejuvenate the skin, enhancing its natural glow Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially dehydrated & dry skin Made in France
A hydrating body serum designed to renew & perfect the skin Developed with a bi-phase lightweight texture that combines oil & water, ensuring deep absorption & a non-greasy finish Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Chestnut Leaf Extract & Oil to provide intense hydration & protection Infused with Pomelo AHA to exfoliate & renew the skin, enhancing smoothness & radiance Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially dry & rough skin Made in France
A purifying body soap designed to deeply cleanse & exfoliate the skin Developed with a texture that combines exfoliating particles & a creamy base, ensuring effective yet gentle exfoliation Formulated with 99% natural-origin ingredients Enriched with Chestnut Leaf Extract & Almond Shells to renew cells & eliminate roughness Infused with natural oils like Sunflower & Coconut to nourish & soften the skin, enhancing smoothness & radiance Preserves & strengthens the skin microbiota, ensuring a balanced & healthy skin barrier Suitable for all skin types, especially dry & rough skin Made in France
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Código de Barras / UPC/UPC | 3284410031060 |
Categoria | Hair Care |
Marca | Melvita |
Linha do Produto | |
Tamanho | 500ml/16.9oz |
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