Sisley Le Sculpteur Intensive Contouring Care 200ml/6.7oz
- Uma ação ultra-eficaz e dupla, cuidados com o corpo diurno e noturno Textura de emulsão em gel em óleo oferece uma sensação de frescura ideal Durante o dia, a mistura única de óleo de baga rosa, cafeína, cedrol e extrato de gengibre branco ajuda as coxas parecem mais definidas e mais firmes À noite, o poder do extrato de mandarim, o petróleo e exopolissacarídeo de Andiroba do plâncton ajuda a minimizar a aparência da celulite Diminui a "pele laranja" para a pele mais suave Infundido com uma fragrância natural de lavanda, sálvia, marjoram, óleos essenciais de alecrim e cedrol Fornece um acabamento aveludado e um efeito de tonificação imediato
Um poderoso creme facial de queda e iluminamento Apresenta uma textura sensorial sedosa que se transforma em micro-gotas de água Contém o extrato de alkekengi cálice para aumentar a epiderme e a derme Misturado com extrato de padina pavonica para re-explorar a ação Carregado com extrato de rosa preto e extrato de rosa alpina para aumentar o brilho da pele Infundido com água de rosa, óleos de Shea e Camelina Oferece uma sensação instantânea de frescura e conforto duradouro A pele parece mais suave, mais suave, mais elástica, intensamente hidratada e mais jovem Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo os sensíveis
Uma máscara de dormir suave e restauradora Ajuda a reabastecer e confortar a pele seca durante a noite, apoiando a atividade natural noturna da pele Alimentado por ingredientes-chave à base de plantas para nutrir intensamente e hidratar a pele Formulado com extrato de flor açafrão para acalmar a pele seca Infundido com um perfume de flor de mel e laranjeira de origem natural Revela a pele mais macia, suave, mais radiante e revitalizada Também pode ser usado como uma máscara SOS para fornecer alívio e conforto em apenas 10 minutos
Combina um removedor de maquiagem eficaz com a ação de cuidados com a pele A fórmula de espuma delicada e suave se transforma em um creme quando massageado na pele A textura ultra-sensorial única é aprimorada através da massagem Ajuda a remover maquiagem, impurezas, poluição, sebo e células mortas da pele em um único golpe Contém extrato de peônia para evitar a sensação de aperto após enxaguar Misturado com extrato de toranja para textura de pele visivelmente suave Infundido com o extrato de Ginkgo Biloba para restaurar o brilho da pele Deixa a pele perfeitamente limpa, macia, fresca e confortável Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo sensíveis
Um creme intensamente hidratante e nutritivo para mãos e unhas Textura leve, porém rica Contém uma solução de biossacarídeo e um açúcar à base de plantas para capturar e reter continuamente a água Misturado com extrato de castanha que suporta a função de barreira da pele para selar em umidade Mantém as mãos macias, nutridas e confortáveis com unhas mais bonitas e cutículas menos visíveis
Um creme corporal perfumado e resistente à água A textura de emulsão flexível não gente se dissolve na pele sem deixar traços brancos Combina filtros UVA e UVB de ponta com ingredientes ativos de proteção ultra-avançada Ajuda a preservar a capacidade da pele de proteger contra o sol e a fotografia Contém EDELWEISS EXTRACT e OIL CAMELLIA para fortalecer a função de barreira da pele Infundido com petróleo de karone Naturalmente perfumado com óleos essenciais de lavanda e gerânio Mantém a pele macia, confortável e hidratada
Um fluido concentrado refrescante e revitalizante para os olhos A textura de emulsão rosada se transforma na superfície da pele em um gel fresco e derretido Formulado com extrato de videira vermelha para iluminação e ação do círculo anti-escuro Misturado com cafeína para reduzir a aparência do inchaço Infundido com extrato de Padina Pavonica para benefícios hidratantes e suavizantes Carregado com acetato de vitamina E para proteção Naturalmente cheiro com água de rosa de maio O aplicador de cerâmica fria cria uma sensação imediata de frescura e promove a massagem Revela uma área de olhos mais descansada, energizada e de aparência mais jovem
Um bálsamo de remoção e limpeza de maquiagem de alto desempenho para o rosto e os olhos A textura única se transforma em óleo e depois em uma emulsão leitosa após a aplicação Formulado com três óleos nutritivos e amaciantes: Babassu, Shea e Macadâmia Fornece uma remoção e limpeza de maquiagem para face e olhos eficazes e ótimos Oferece uma experiência sensorial única para um verdadeiro momento de bem-estar Folhas de pele radiante e confortável, sem resíduos gordurosos Perfeito para todos os tipos de pele Tolerância testada sob controle oftalmológico e dermatológico
Um removedor de maquiagem em gel fresco para os olhos e lábios Combina remoção eficaz de maquiagem com benefícios para a pele Textura de gel suave e fusão fornece uma sensação agradável de frescura Gentilmente, mas efetivamente remove até a maquiagem mais teimosa, incluindo à prova d'água Aprimora os cílios para uma aparência mais suave e mais brilhante Revela uma área de olho perfeitamente limpa, visivelmente descansada e mais radiante Tolerância testada sob oftalmológica
Um hidratante corporal ultra-sensorial, nutritivo e calmante TEXTURA VELEVETY, RICA E DOLICA Trabalhos dia e noite para fornecer ação dupla segmentada Durante o dia, o extrato de semente de trigo sarraceno ajuda a apoiar a proteção À noite, a manteiga de karité reabastece a pele com nutrição Contém Padina Pavonica e extratos japoneses de lilyturf para aumentar a hidratação Misturado com extrato de flores açafrão, um novo ingrediente de chave Sisley para acalmar a pele seca Infundido com um perfume de origem natural para proporcionar uma sensação de bem-estar Mantém a pele do corpo mais macia, mais fresca, mais confortável, radiante e revitalizada
Um creme para cuidados com o cabelo que não enrugue Enriquecido com óleos botânicos preciosos e o complexo 230, ativado pelo calor Protege as fibras capilares de ferramentas de estilo de calor até 450 ° F/230 ° C Permite um endireitamento mais fácil e mais perfeitamente definido com secagem Folhas cabelos mais fortes, nutridos, sem frizz e sob controle Pode ser usado como um creme para cuidados com o cabelo de estilo ou suavização ou um condicionador de licença
Um reequilíbrio e calmante tratamento anti-caspa para couro cabeludo Trata os fatores subjacentes responsáveis pelo aparecimento de caspa Formulado com intenso complexo de reequilíbrio e pró-vitamina B5 Purifica e mantém um couro cabeludo fresco e puro Acalma a irritação do couro cabeludo e a protege do desconforto Fortalece a fibra capilar e adiciona corpo e volume Folhas cabelos mais macios e mais brilhantes
Um Lipcare icônico, restaurador e ultra-nutritivo Contém uma mistura de óleos - núcleo de ameixa, kernel, teia, lupinha branca doce e óleo de germe de trigo Ajuda os lábios instantaneamente acentuados e duramente suaves Infundido com manteigas botânicas - Kokum & Mango para intensamente nutrir benefícios e hidratantes Revive a beleza dos lábios para manter o poder expressivo do seu sorriso por mais tempo Folhas lábios macios, carnudos, mais confortáveis e resistentes a agressores diários Dá um acabamento ininterrupto ideal para a preparação antes da maquiagem
Um shampoo purificador limpa suavemente e refresca o couro cabeludo Elimina perfeitamente impurezas de superfície, estilismo de resíduos do produto e sebo Contém bisabolol de origem natural para acalmar cabelos Enriquecido com extrato de chá Java, óleo essencial de alecrim, óleo essencial de verbena exótico, minerais (zinco, magnésio, cobre) para purificar e promover oxigenação do couro cabeludo Liderado com acetato de vitamina E como antioxidante Adiciona proteínas de algodão para reforçar a barreira de proteínas do cabelo Alimentado pela pró-vitamina B5 para fortalecer a fibra capilar, trazendo brilho e flexibilidade ao cabelo Faz com que o couro cabeludo se sinta purificado Revela cabelos mais leves, mais volumosos e brilhantes e irradia a vitalidade Deixa uma trilha fresca e delicadamente perfumada Testado in vitro
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A luxurious, perfumed candle made of paraffin wax with a cotton wick Pleasantly illuminates a room with delicate notes & a powdery fragrance Recreates a night Tuberose, enhanced with precious balm & vanilla Burn time is approximately 45 hours Housed in a matte white lacquered glass case ideal as a home decor Caution: Burn on a heat resistant surface. Do not drop foreign matter or wick-trimmings into candle. Burn in an open area away from drafts. Keep candle burning within sight. Keep out of reach of children & pets
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
An ultra-precise universal dark spot corrector Features a fine, slightly iridescent, non-greasy emulsion texture Combines a patented complex with natural-origin key ingredients Reduces the size & intensity of all dark spots while fighting against the progression of recent dark spots Contains Meadow Bistort extract to fight against the appearance of older dark spots The innovative applicator brush perfectly targets all dark spots on the face, neck, décolleté & hands Reveals a more even & radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types, genders, ages & skin tones
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A revitalizing nourishing shampoo that gently cleans & nourishes while maintaining scalp comfort Enriched with botanical oils to help restore the hair fibre Infused with Moringa oil to replenish vitamins & minerals Controls frizz & visibly straightens hair Hair feels enveloped in softness as soon as it is rinsed Hair regains a beautiful, supple, & silky quality Suitable for all dry to very dry hair & dry scalps
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
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Código de Barras / UPC/UPC | 3473311663306 |
Categoria | Skincare |
Marca | Sisley |
Linha do Produto | |
Tamanho | 200ml/6.7oz |
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